STAR Space

The perfect space for you. STAR spaces are here for the ultimate convenience. Located at the prime real estate of their lots, STAR spaces make life easier. No circling a garage or parking lot. The front row space is waiting for you. Just the space you need to go, and do.

These spaces have a special rate on the app, webpage and digital machine. You must select this rate to utilize the space.

Mobile App

Open Premium Parking App

Locate desired parking location

Click "Pay for a Star Space"

Select number of hours

Add/Select vehicle license plate*

Add payment method

Review Terms of Purchase and click "Pay"



Locate desired parking location

Click "Pay to Park Now (Star Space)"

Select number of hours with STAR in front

Click "View Rate"

Add your vehicle information and payment details

Review Terms of Purchase and click "Pay Now"

*If your vehicle does not have a license plate you may input the first three letters of the make and first three letters of the color; ie: Honda Red - HONRED