Promo Code Savable Functionality
Created: Monday, January 27, 2025
We are now able to save a promo code for future use.
Navigate to: Manage > Promo Codes > New / Edit > Custom Code.
When creating the promo code in the Operator Dashboard, ensure that the promo codes meant to be savable have the “Promo code savable” option checked during their configuration.
The User:
Enter the code in the designated “Apply Promo Code” field during checkout. If the promo code is valid and savable, it will automatically be saved to your profile for future use. If the promo code cannot be saved, it will still be applied to the current transaction.
If the promo code does not meet the requirements (e.g., expired, invalid for your account), you will see an error message such as: “Promo Code not found or accessible. Promo code is invalid or expired”