Discount - Subscription
If your group or company has a special rate with Premium Parking, do not purchase the market rate listed on the website, as these subscriptions are non-refundable. You must contact your group administrator or contact our team at [email protected]. For example, if your apartment complex offers discount parking in one of our garages, the leasing agent may be able to get you set up, however if they cannot you must send an email with the following information to our Customer Service Center. The subject line of the email should have parking location and the type of discount you are seeking. (i.e.: P303 - Four Winds Resident discount)
Group/Business/Apt Complex:
Parking start date:
Parking Product ie: Reserved/Non-Reserved:
Promo Codes
If you have been given a promo code by your company or a Premium Parking associate you may generally use the promo code for advance purchases. The promo codes cannot be applied once a purchase has been made. To apply your promo code you must make your purchase via the Premium Parking Website or the Premium Parking App. For detailed instructions on applying the promo code Click Here.